Euroanvils are based on traditional European design. Our anvils are used by professional blacksmiths and hobbyists world wide. Our Euroanvils offer the best in two-horn anvil design. Starting with the conical horn, this allows a true circle to be formed, with a shelf allowing a wider work surface and finishing with an upsetting block. We feel we have designed an anvil with all the best features for any blacksmith. We also carry the standard German Pattern two-horn anvil. Whichever anvil you choose, we look forward to making you a Blacksmith Supply customer.
Please contact John Elliott at Blacksmith Supply for availability and pricing. He can be reached at http://www.blacksmithsupply.com/, by email jelliott@blacksmithsupply.com, or 804-530-0290.
Blacksmith Supply ♦ PO Box 3766 ♦ Chester, VA 23831 ♦ 804-530-0290 ♦ jelliott@blacksmithsupply.com
© Copyright 2002-2010 ♦ Last Updated: 8 April 2007 ♦ Site by Banai at Great Bird Enterprises